What is my routing number?
The routing number for LGWFCU is 284084635.
What account number do I use when setting up an automatic withdrawal or deposit?
Please contact a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] for more details.
Can I set up an automatic withdrawal from my checking or savings account?
Yes, you can make an unlimited number of withdrawals from your checking account and up to six preauthorized withdrawals per month from your savings account. Please contact a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] for more details.
How can I stop an automatic withdrawal from my account?
First, contact the company who is debiting your account. As a second option, you may contact us to place a stop payment on the transaction, although we can’t guarantee that the debit will be stopped. Please contact a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] for more details.
How do I begin MLGW payroll deduction?
You may automatically deposit your MLGW paycheck into your LGWFCU checking or savings account each pay period by calling a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] or stop by LGWFCU branch at 1616 Whitten Road.
How can I change my MLGW payroll deduction?
You can make changes to your payroll deduction quickly and easily by calling a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] or stop by LGWFCU branch at 1616 Whitten Road.
*Note when e-mailing [email protected] never include your member number for security purposes.
The routing number for LGWFCU is 284084635.
What account number do I use when setting up an automatic withdrawal or deposit?
Please contact a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] for more details.
Can I set up an automatic withdrawal from my checking or savings account?
Yes, you can make an unlimited number of withdrawals from your checking account and up to six preauthorized withdrawals per month from your savings account. Please contact a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] for more details.
How can I stop an automatic withdrawal from my account?
First, contact the company who is debiting your account. As a second option, you may contact us to place a stop payment on the transaction, although we can’t guarantee that the debit will be stopped. Please contact a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] for more details.
How do I begin MLGW payroll deduction?
You may automatically deposit your MLGW paycheck into your LGWFCU checking or savings account each pay period by calling a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] or stop by LGWFCU branch at 1616 Whitten Road.
How can I change my MLGW payroll deduction?
You can make changes to your payroll deduction quickly and easily by calling a Member Service Representative at 901-680-7995 or e-mail us at [email protected] or stop by LGWFCU branch at 1616 Whitten Road.
*Note when e-mailing [email protected] never include your member number for security purposes.